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Dongeng si kancil dan siput

                                                                                      SI KANCIL & SIPUT
Pada suatu hari si kancil nampak ngantuk sekali. Matanya serasa berat sekali untuk dibuka. “Aaa....rrrrgh”, si kancil nampak sesekali menguap. Karena hari itu cukup cerah, si kancil merasa rugi jika menyia-nyiakannya. Ia mulai berjalan-jalan menelusuri hutan untuk mengusir rasa kantuknya. Sampai di atas sebuah bukit, si Kancil berteriak dengan sombongnya, “Wahai penduduk hutan, akulah hewan yang paling cerdas, cerdik dan pintar di hutan ini. Tidak ada yang bisa menandingi kecerdasan dan kepintaranku”. Sambil membusungkan dadanya, si Kancil pun mulai berjalan menuruni bukit. Ketika sampai di sungai, ia bertemu dengan seekor siput. “Hai kancil !”, sapa si siput. “Kenapa kamu teriak-teriak? Apakah kamu sedang bergembira?”, tanya si siput. “Tidak, aku hanya ingin memberitahukan pada semua penghuni hutan kalau aku ini hewan yang paling cerdas, cerdik dan pintar”, jawab si kancil dengan sombongnya.“Sombong sekali kamu Kancil, akulah hewan yang paling cerdik di hutan ini”, kata si Siput. “Hahahaha......., mana mungkin” ledek Kancil. “Untuk membuktikannya, bagaimana kalau besok pagi kita lomba lari?”, tantang si Siput. “Baiklah, aku terima tantanganmu”, jawab si Kancil. Akhirnya mereka berdua setuju untuk mengadakan perlombaan lari besok pagi.Setelah si Kancil pergi, si siput segera mengumpulkan teman-temannya. Ia meminta tolong agar teman-temannya berbaris dan bersembunyi di jalur perlombaan, dan menjawab kalau si kancil memanggil.Akhirnya hari yang dinanti sudah tiba, kancil dan siput pun sudah siap untuk lomba lari. “Apakah kau sudah siap untuk berlomba lari denganku”, tanya si kancil. “Tentu saja sudah, dan aku pasti menang”, jawab si siput. Kemudian si siput mempersilahkan kancil untuk berlari dahulu dan memanggilnya untuk memastikan sudah sampai mana si siput.Kancil berjalan dengan santai, dan merasa yakin kalau dia akan menang. Setelah beberapa langkah, si kancil mencoba untuk memanggil si siput. “Siput....sudah sampai mana kamu?”, teriak si kancil. “Aku ada di depanmu!”, teriak si siput. Kancil terheran-heran, dan segera mempercepat langkahnya. Kemudian ia memanggil si siput lagi, dan si siput menjawab dengan kata yang sama.”Aku ada didepanmu!” Akhirnya si kancil berlari, tetapi tiap ia panggil si siput, ia selalu muncul dan berkata kalau dia ada depan kancil. Keringatnya bercucuran, kakinya terasa lemas dan nafasnya tersengal-sengal.Kancil berlari terus, sampai akhirnya dia melihat garis finish. Wajah kancil sangat gembira sekali, karena waktu dia memanggil siput, sudah tidak ada jawaban lagi. Kancil merasa bahwa dialah pemenang dari perlombaan lari itu.Betapa terkejutnya si kancil, karena dia melihat si siput sudah duduk di batu dekat garis finish. “Hai kancil, kenapa kamu lama sekali? Aku sudah sampai dari tadi!”, teriak si siput. Dengan menundukkan kepala, si kancil menghampiri si siput dan mengakui kekalahannya. “Makanya jangan sombong, kamu memang cerdik dan pandai, tetapi kamu bukanlah yang terpandai dan cerdik”, kata si siput. “Iya, maafkan aku siput, aku tidak akan sombong lagi”, kata si kancil.
On one day the deer appear sleepy. His eyes seemed heavy to open. "Aaa .... rrrrgh", the occasional deer seem to evaporate. Because the day is sunny, the deer feel the loss if the waste. He started walking around the forest track to drive drowsiness. Up on a hill, the hare shouted arrogantly, "O forest dwellers, I am the most intelligent animals, clever and smart in this forest. No one can match the intelligence and my intelligence ". As he puffed out his chest, the hare was off and running down the hill. When we reached the river, he met a snail. "Hi deer!", Greeted the snail. "Why are you shouting? Whether you're happy? ", Said the snail. "No, I just want to inform on all forest-dwelling animal that I was the most intelligent, clever and smart," replied the deer with his arrogant.
"Arrogant once you hare, I am the smartest animals in the forest," said the Snail. "Hahahaha ......., which may be" jeered Kancil. "To prove it, why do not we race tomorrow morning?", Challenged the Snail. "Okay, I accept your challenge," said the hare. Eventually they both agreed to hold a race tomorrow morning. After the hare go, the snail soon gather his friends. He asked for help to his friends lined up and hide in the race track, and respond if the deer call.
Finally, the awaited day has arrived, deer and slugs were ready to race. "Are you ready for a race run with me", said the deer. "Of course I have, and I would win," said the snail. Then the deer slug invited to run in advance and called to make sure it is up to where the snails.
Deer casually walking, and felt confident that he will win. After several steps, the deer tried to call the snail. "Snails .... Where you been up to?", Cried the deer. "I'm in front of you!", Cried the snail. Deer amazed, and immediately sped up. Then he called the snail again, and the snail replied with the same word. "I have front of you!" Finally, the deer ran, but he is calling each of the snails, he always comes up and says that he's the next deer. Sweat profusely, his legs felt weak and panting breath.
Deer ran on, until finally he saw the finish line. Deer are very happy face, because when he called slugs, have no answers anymore. Hare felt that he was the winner of that race.
How surprised the deer, because he saw the snails have been sitting on a rock near the finish line. "Hi deer, why are you so long? I've come from that! ", Cried the snail. With bowed heads, the deer over to the slug and conceded defeat. "So do not be arrogant, you are cunning and clever, but you are not the most intelligent and ingenious," said the snail. "Yeah, I'm sorry snail, I would not arrogant anymore", said the deer.

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